Hike up Hesten for a majestic view on to Segla

Hike up Hesten for a majestic view on to Segla

eThe hike to Segla is an incredible experience – this iconic mountain on the island of Senja, Norway, is definitely a highlight. The summit, shaped like a sail, gives Segla its name. To truly appreciate the mountain's impressive form, we recommend hiking on the neighboring mountain, Hesten, instead of directly on Segla. From Hesten's peak, you get a wonderful view, and the hike is also easier.

Segla Poster gloss from Norway senja

Hiking Information:

  • Duration: 2-3 hours total, less if you just hike up and down without enjoying the view
  • Length: 7 km
  • Elevation Gain: 510 m
  • Difficulty: Easy – the last part is the hardest
  • Children: Children can manage the hike, the last part with caution, as there is a huge drop down the side
  • Dogs: Easy for dogs


    There is a hiking parking lot above the school, which must be paid for with the Easy Park App. However, it fills up quickly. In mid-September, on a Friday at 11 am, we couldn't find a spot. We then parked by the roadside before the first tunnel – perfect, not far away, and free. You can easily walk over the tunnel and then along the road into the village..

    Segla norway senja hike

    Directions to Hesten

    We didn’t start at the hiking parking lot but further to the right, where another path begins. This is the Trailhead start to Hesten: Location. It is less crowded there, and the path leads directly to the Hesten summit. The trail is pleasant to walk on as long as the ground is dry. After rain, it becomes a hike through mud and is very slippery. In that case, hiking poles are useful. At the beginning, you walk through a small forest, which quickly ends. The path climbs moderately and is pleasant to walk. The last third is the most challenging – you need to climb a small section over large rocks, and then it gets steep. The last part requires some more climbing, so only do it if you feel comfortable, as it is difficult. Even before this section, you have a great view of Segla and don’t necessarily need to climb higher. Walk along the ridge between Hesten and Segla and enjoy the view of the surrounding fjords.

    Norway Senja Poster in Autumn Mountain Fine Prints homedecor


    It’s best to start early in the morning or in the evening during the peak season, as it gets very crowded. Even in autumn, it is still quite busy, which is understandable given the beautiful landscape. Wear sturdy hiking boots and bring your camera. There are many hikes on Senja, but the Segla hike is the most popular due to the photo opportunities. 

    Have you seen the Lofoten To-Do List yet? Find a detailed describition of every thing you can do here and a Google Maps list, with all the mentioned places saved for you! Click here: Lofoten To-Do List Blog Post!


    Norway Hesten Senja Hike Blog Post
    Norway Senja hesten Hike Blog Post with Hiking Details
    View onto Segla Mountain from Hesten Peak Norway
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